Module 1
Key Learning Outcomes:

  1. Appreciating the influence of mass media, Why Use Mass Media?
  2. Understand what is Media Convergence
  3. What is the importance of Mass Media in communicating with the public?
  4. What are the Mass Media available for dissemination of health information?
  5. Disadvantage of Mass Media
  6. Media as an educator, supporter, program promoter and supplement
  7. What is Health Education?
  8. Role of Media in Health Education.
  9. Common Media Outlets and Broadcast Formats
  10. Approaches of mass media to promote health
  11. When to Use Mass Media
  12. Abrief introduction to Developing Mass Media Programs – Planning, Monitoring, Implementation and Evaluation
Module 2
Key Learning Outcomes:

  1. ABC’s of Campaigning
  2. Planning: Setting Goals
  3. Identifying Target Audience
  4. Building Evidence Base
  5. Content Development
  6. Communication Channels: Mass and Digital
  7. Media Consumption Patterns
  8. Implementing: Creativity & Tactics
  9. Working on Press Release
  10. Monitoring and Evaluation
  11. Case vignettes based learning of design and execution of mass media campaigns. 
Module 3
Key Learning Outcomes:

  1. Social Media Platforms for Dissemination of Health Education
  2. Social Media and Health Campaigns
  3. Facebook and Health Education
  4. Case Vignette: Social Media for Health Campaigning
  5. Guidelines for Use of Social Media by Government
  6. Use of visual media and hashtags in engaging people online
  7. Hashtag Campaigns
  8. Boosting your posts using hashtags
  9. Why hashtag activism isn’t enough to change the world?
  10. What is Slacktivism or Clicktivism?
  11. Evaluation of Online Campaigns