At Couch we vouch to create a safe space in which you feel at ease communicating your challenges. Confidentiality is a critical component of any treatment/therapeutic engagement. Confidentiality is about respecting someone’s privacy and preferences. All aspects of your involvement in clinical treatment at Couch – Centre for New Beginning, including appointment scheduling, session content, and any records that we keep, are kept confidential per the Mental Healthcare Act (MHCA) 2017.

Couch Centre for New Beginning, an Augmenta Health unit, operates following professional, ethical norms and applicable local legislation that preserve the privacy of your mental health records. We treat your sensitive information as per the MHCA 2017 confidentiality clause highlighted below. 

The Mental Health Care Act 2017 Chapter V Section 23. Right to confidentiality

 (1)   A person with mental illness shall have the right to confidentiality in respect of his mental health, mental healthcare, treatment and physical healthcare.

(2)   All health professionals providing care or treatment to a person with mental illness shall have a duty to keep all such information confidential which has been obtained during care or treatment with the following exceptions, namely:

(a) Release of information to the nominated representative to enable him to fulfil his duties under this Act;

(b) Release of information to other mental health professionals and other health professionals to enable them to provide care and treatment to the person with mental illness;

(c) Release of information if it is necessary to protect any other person from harm or violence;

(d) Only such information that is necessary to protect against the harm identified shall be released;

(e) Release only such information as is necessary to prevent threat to life;

(f) Release of information upon an order by concerned Board or the Central Authority or High Court or Supreme Court or any other statutory authority competent to do so; and

(g) Release of information in the interests of public safety and security.

Reference: MHCA 2017

Clients are urged to discuss any specific questions they have regarding the confidentiality clause with their treating Mental Health care practitioner or by emailing