1. Metobotropic receptors are linked to this.
2. The cotransmitter to glutamate other than glycine.
3. Major breakdown pathway for glutamate.
4. The inert form of glutamate stored in glial cell.
5. The negative symptoms of schizophrenia is linked to this dopamine pathway.
6. The dopamine pathway related to drug induced hyperprolactinemia.
7. Rate limiting enzyme for domapine synthesis.
8. The ions which cause blockade of NMDA receptor calcium channels and keep it in resting state.
9. Important neurotransmitter of the interneurons.
10. The GABA A receptor subunit which is upregulated in Schizophrenia.
11. Partial agnostic action on this receptor possibly explains antidepressant action of antipsychotics.
12. The blockade of this receptor leads to antiemetic effect.
13. Serotonin self modulation happens through this receptor.
14. Peripheral blockade of this receptor can cause orthostatic hypotension and falls in elderly.
15. Life threatening adverse effect related to Clozapine.
16. An antipsychotic known to reduce suicidal behaviour.

Check the below video for answers @ the following timeline:
1 @ 40:52, 2 @ 37.27, 3 @ 36:42, 4 @ 34:48, 5 @ 26:05, 6 @ 26:29, 7 @ 23:05, 8 @ 44:02,  9 @ 49:55, 10 @ 51:20, 11 @ 1:08:15, 12 @ 1:11:00,13 @ 1:13:37, 14 @ 1:20:24, 15 @ 1:28:16, 16 @ 1:28:41