1. Ability of the neuron to synapse and connect
2. ECTs effectiveness is linked to increase in this factor
3. Body of the neuron
4. A gas known for retrograde neuronal transmission
5. Non synaptic transmission is also called as transmission
6. Excitation secretion coupling is mostly linked with gated channels
7. These proteins in the synapse play a role in exocytosis.
8. Enzymes which are known to regulate proteins by phosphorylation.
9. A GSK3 inhibitor drug.
10. Name of an immediate early gene.
11. GABA transporter 4 is also called as transporter.
12. An electrolyte required for adequate functioning of serotonin transporter.
13. Enzymatic action is important for the termination of action of this neurotransmitter.
14. A drug which can stop the constitutive activity.
15. Number of subunits in a Ligand gated ion channel.
16. Number of transmemberane proteins in GProtein.
17. GTPase activity is seen in the subunit of the GProtein.
18. Papez circuit begins and ends at this structure.
19. Corpus striatum includes the lentiform nucleus and this structure.
20. The neurotransmitter connected to subthalamic nuclei.

Check the below video for answers @ the following timeline:
1) @11:35 2) @12:11 3) @13:09 4) @13:09 5) @25:05 6) @29:21 7) @30:37 8) @46:40 9) @48:00 – Lithium 10) @49:27 11) @56:12 12) @58:48 13) @1:01:26 14) @1:05:02 15) @1:08:05 16) @1:10:27 17) @1:11:01 18) @1:15:04 19) @1:17:10 20) @1:18:30